Tuesday, May 02, 2006


to you, to me, to each other, to today and yesterday and tomorrow...

As my introductory blog contribution, I will take this moment to establish some things about some things.
I'll start with the who of who I am.
Many things fabricate my existence in this moment, for instance, your reading my blog puts me into existence, but so does the ground that supports my feet.
Of course, this blog would exist without you, but it's nice to have you hear/here.
I presently live in a place tentatively titled Seattle, WA, in the continent of North America.

I do this particularly strange thing on a regular basis where I dress up in a costume and move around a designated area, and people come to watch. Around 100 years ago they started calling it Modern dance. Sometimes it is just an intense form of virtuosic pageantry. Other times it is an expression of the inexplicable poetic activity of the innards. Sometimes it's just clownin, Sometimes it is just so damn hilarious any of us could take ourselves so seriously. Sometimes is is so sad when we don't.

This dancing activity gives me a sense of purpose, even though it confuses me most of the time, but its a wonderful little way to pass the hours of life. You should try it sometime and report to me what happens. Give the neighbors or an invisible audience, if you prefer, a show of you, in some garb from your closet or kitchen pantry while moving around your living room. You can add props for effect/metaphors that either confound or inform your audience. You can even add sound, music, or use your body to make the music (yes, self-generated sounds count!)

Well...what are you waiting for?


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